“Bariatric surgeries are surgeries aimed at reducing excess weight in people with extreme obesity.
Why the patients come for the bariatric surgery to “Ajapnyak” Medical Center, Yerevan, Armenia?
- The Bariatric surgery in “Ajapnyak” Medical Center will be performed by the director of the Medical Center, Active Member of German Society of Surgery, Doctor of Medicine, Dr. Grigori Manukyan, who is expierenced in advances laparoscopic and bariatric surgery.
- The Payment Fee already includes the multiprofile consultation of different specilists, such as Nutrition Specialist, Endocrinologists, Cardiologists, Pshychologists, ICU doctors, Surgeons, etc. In order to achieve the planned results of the surgical treatment it also considers postoperative follow-up of all necessary specialists during postoperative 12 months after surgery.
- The Fee Package “All Inclusive” defines preoparative personal care, preoperative standard examinations, Comfort VIP Type patient ward+in-hospital dressing+higiene kit+food, all kind of requested medicine, anesthesia, surgery, postoperative intensive care, etc. In some certain cases special payment conditions and terms can also be considered.
- Multiprofile “Bariatric Board” specialists 24/7 care according to the latest European bariatric surgical guidelines is guaranteed.
- Up-to-date the 100% satisfaction feedback rate.
- For our international visitors we provide Free service of pick up from airport, accomodation assistance, support by rehabilitation (if requested), postoperative remote&online follow-up of the treatment, free consulting by different specialists.
- Our staff can easly speak and communicate in English, Russian, German and other languages.
For additional question please call
+37433380044, +37499380044
For direct contact to Dr. Manukyan, Ph.D., MD, please write an e-mail manukyan@ajapnyakmc.com
The most commonly used bariatric surgery, in which the surgeon laparoscopically removes about 80% of the stomach, has clear indications.
The bariatric center operating at the Ajapnyak Medical Center consists of surgeons, endocrinologists, resuscitators, cardiologists, and rehabilitation specialists.
Bariatric surgeries are performed by the founder and director of the Ajapnyak Medical Center, G.A. Manukyan.”